Copyright protections are crucial for those who create original works like photographs, essays or songs. For decades, writers have shared what they consider a way to get copyright protection without paying to register it with the United States Copyright Office....
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Intellectual Property
Can you avoid copyright claims by changing an image or logo?
Maybe you really like the logo used by a specific business. Perhaps you have long operated and marketed your company as part of a franchise and have recently ended your agreement. Despite no longer having a franchise, you want to continue doing business. The idea that...
What to do when someone infringes on your IP rights
As an intellectual property (IP) holder, you have a responsibility to do your best to defend your rights from potential infringement. First, it's important to understand the different types of IP and any special steps you may want to take to defend your rights. You'll...
When and How do I Hire a Litigation Lawyer?
Business and real estate deals and partnerships can often create conflict. Sometimes these disputes may culminate into litigation. Here are five steps to follow to make sure you make informed and educated decisions. RULE OUT ALL ALTERNATIVES TO LITIGATION Disputes...
Could brand abuse or piracy warrant intellectual property infringement litigation?
When many people think of intellectual property (IP) rights, they often think of patents, copywritten books, movies or music or registered trademarks such as logos for their favorite brands. Few people understand the full breadth of proprietary items or artistic works...
What fees can I expect when starting a franchise?
If you're looking for a new career, a way to earn extra money, or both, you might consider buying a franchise in Florida. Before making this type of decision, it's a good idea to learn about franchise fees. These are fees you must pay to become a franchisee. With that...
Trademarks: How long do they really last?
If you're starting your own business in Florida, then you're likely concerned about your intellectual property, especially within the area of trademarks. Business owners want to know when their trademark is no longer protected by law. After all, your logo or...
Counterfeiting and trademark infringement
Businesspeople in Miami have a vested interest in any changes in intellectual property. Intellectual property law is what makes it possible for people to profit from their good ideas. Without copyright and trademarks, it would be easy for anyone to steal ideas and...
Protect your intellectual property as you would your other assets
If someone asked you for a list of your business assets, you would probably include things like land, buildings, equipment, stocks and cash. Not many business owners in the Miami area have come to accept that intellectual properties are assets, too. As such, your...
What is fair use when it comes to intellectual property?
Intellectual property laws protect creators and companies from having their ideas stolen and used by someone else, possibly for a profit. After all, what would be the point in creating something through hard work and learned skills if someone else could just steal it...