Best Law Firms | Ranked By Best Lawyers | United States | Franchise law | Tier 1 | 2025

National Leading Franchise Law And Commercial Litigation Firm

Powerhouse Trial Lawyers And Strategic Problem-Solvers In Complex Business Disputes And Transactions

Maidele Labrador

Maidele Labrador

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Maidele Labrador was born and raised in Cuba, where she completed all of her studies. She earned her degree in Computer Science and Communications, known as Informatica y Comunicaciones at the Instituto Politecnico. Maidele joined the firm as the Executive Assistant to Mr. Robert Zarco.

Before joining the Firm, Maidele held the position of Executive Assistant for 7 years, which provided her valuable knowledge and experience that she is able to offer Zarco Law.

Current Employment Position

  • Executive Assistant to Robert Zarco


  • Maidele is fluent in English and Spanish