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Understanding the legal limits of franchisee advertising

On Behalf of | Apr 30, 2024 | Franchise Law, Intellectual Property |

Advertising is a powerful tool for franchisees to attract customers and grow their businesses. However, every franchise owner has to understand and adhere to strict legal limits for self-promotion.

Franchise operators must abide by their franchise agreements and regulatory standards whenever they advertise. Otherwise, they risk finding themselves in serious hot water.

Know the franchise agreement

The franchise agreement plays a key role in dictating what franchisees may do regarding publicity. Franchisees must follow these documents closely to avoid conflicts with the franchisor.

Adhere to trademark regulations

Franchisee entrepreneurs can only use the approved logos and symbols in their advertisements. The worry is that misusing or altering these elements will cause confusion among customers and dilute the brand’s identity.

Maintain honest messaging

All advertising content is to be truthful. Franchisees should avoid false claims about their products or services. For example, knowingly stating that an item can perform functions it cannot or displaying inaccurate prices may trigger a complex lawsuit.

Respect data privacy laws

When creating marketing campaigns that collect customer information, franchisees must be mindful of data privacy laws. Businesses should ensure they have proper consent to collect and use customer information. Further, they need to handle this data securely. Inattentiveness in this department can result in a loss of customer trust.

Follow local advertising laws

Franchisees should be mindful of local advertising legislation, which sometimes imposes additional restrictions on how and where they can advertise. For instance, some areas have rules about signage sizes, placement and content, especially in residential areas or near schools.

Ensure transparency in sponsorships

When a franchisee forms a partnership for advertising purposes, this relationship must be disclosed in advertisements. Transparency with such dealings helps maintain customer trust and complies with advertising standards.

Those who understand and respect these regulations foster good relations with their franchisors. Any owner with questions concerning legal permissibility is advised to seek a free consultation from a legal professional, such as the attorneys at Zarco Einhorn Salkowski.

